Contest Rules
- Your project should fall under at least one of our four pillars: Education, Employment & Entrepreneurship, Youth Leadership, and Culture & Language.
- Your project should be sustainable, impactful, and create long-lasting positive effects and opportunities for you within your youth group space.
- You must apply as a group and the project must service youth between the ages of 12-30.
- Submissions will be judged on creativity, uniqueness, a clear outline, the project impact, youth driven, and your enthusiasm!
- Preferred video submissions, but be creative and have FUN! How would you spend your winnings?!
- Winners must be a registered charity or qualified donee. If you are not, please reach out and we can offer support!
School Groups
- First place – $10,000 grant.
- Second place – $5,000 grant.
- Third place – $3,000 grant.
Youth / Friendship Centre Groups
- First place – Tech Package + $5,000 grant
- Second place – $5,000 grant
- Third place – $3,000 grant
How creative is the submission/video?
How unique is the project itself? Is this something that has been done before?
Clear Outline
Is the project clearly defined in the submission? Does the viewer have a clear understanding of the benefits/outcomes of the project?
How big is the impact of this project (short and long term)?
How excited are the youth for this specific project? Is there also an element of community enthusiasm?
Youth Driven
Is this project a Youth Driven idea? How involved are the youth in the creation, implementation and participation of the project?
Submit to: [email protected]
Please title: Community Engagement Contest